About Angie

Angie has been immersed in learning and leadership throughout her career. She has explored these passions through her roles as a successful headteacher, school improvement partner, highly experienced leadership consultant and coach. She has enjoyed working across hugely varied school contexts, from areas of significant urban deprivation to semi-rural village settings.

Angie now works as a qualified coach with leaders in individual schools and across Multi-Academy Trusts. She initially trained as a coach with the University of Cambridge, where she completed both her Certificate and Diploma in Coaching, as well as a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and School Improvement, with a particular focus on managing headteacher performance. She is a Member of the Association for Coaching (MAC) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

Angie has extensive experience as a governor and trustee in both primary and secondary sectors. She holds the BTEC Advanced Certificate in School Governance and, for many years, provided external advice and support for headteacher appraisal.

She is a firm believer in lifelong learning, committed to continuing study, training and professional development.

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