I did not know what I was going to get out of coaching and will admit to thinking it was a process I would go through, feel it had been interesting, but would not really change how I see things. How wrong could I be? Coaching has taken me from being very accepting that things were set, to being excited about the opportunities that lay ahead. And the thing about coaching is that it is not Angie, the coach, that points it out, but through ‘clever’ questioning, you realise it yourself!
— Primary Headteacher, West Sussex
I knew that coaching would be beneficial in the moment, I knew that it would also support me in times of stress. What really strikes me, however, is that some of the wisdom I have taken on board from Angie
in the sessions will benefit me in the longer term. Most importantly, perhaps, I have learnt to be a little kinder to myself and to recognise my achievements along the way.
— Head of School, Special School, Kent
I was able to be completely open and honest with Angie without any fear of judgement from her. I feel that my resilience and ability to keep going in the early days of Headship was benefitted massively. The sessions have supported me on a personal level, but also helped bring about improvements to the school and the quality of education the children receive. I cannot recommend coaching enough for school leaders!
— Primary Headteacher, Essex
Angie helped me get through some of the most challenging times in my career. She encouraged me, through her amazing ability to support and challenge, to ‘find myself’ again and to believe in what I was doing. Her sessions have enabled me to create the headspace to see clearly and focus on what is important and what needs to change for the better. This not only improved my wellbeing in work, but outside also.
— Executive Headteacher, Secondary & Special Schools, London
The coaching provided by Angie has been instrumental in helping me achieve clarity in a high pressured role. The skills I have learnt through coaching have spilled over into my personal life and consequently I feel better equipped to maintain a good work-life balance. The experience of coaching surpassed my expectations and has given me confidence to embrace my style of leadership and see the positive results of change.
— Secondary Head of School, Kent
Coaching enabled me to reflect on my experience and abilities. At a time when I was struggling to see how I was positively contributing to education, it helped me to identify how I was, and why I was struggling to see it at that moment in time. This enabled me to take on new challenges with confidence.
— MAT Senior Leader, South England
Angie is very calm and reassuring.
She is a really good coach, very present, thoughtful and willing to suggest and encourage but not take over.
— Adviser, Cambridgeshire
Work with a coach of this calibre offers opportunities to develop resilience in a challenging world. Professionally it provides an opportunity to clarify thought, reflect and examine personal integrity. I would recommend this process to all headteachers.
— Infant School Headteacher, Essex
Whatever the circumstances, I always find Angie’s support insightful and discerning.
Her advice is based on a deep understanding of our school context, which always takes into account the local and national frameworks. Most importantly, she never fails to remind us that the decisions we make have an impact on the children in our care.
— Governor, Essex
Angie is a skilled coach who questions and extends your thinking without you being aware that it is happening until you realise what you have achieved at the end of the sessions. I would recommend her unreservedly.
— Infant School Headteacher, Essex
The coaching provided by Angie has been a great help in my first year as Headteacher. Over the year, my leadership skills have developed and I have become more aware of my strengths and weaknesses, along with what I need to do to move forward.
— Secondary Headteacher, Essex
Angie has worked with our school for a number of years, providing support and challenge in equal measure. Her very measured approach and insightful comments have led to real reflection in our team as a whole, and as individuals.  This has helped us to move the school forward at a rate of change that has been right.
— Primary School Headteacher, Essex
Angie has a wealth of personal experience and a very high level of knowledge with regards to educational philosophy. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Angie and thoroughly enjoy working with her.
— Primary School Headteacher, Essex